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University of Gondar rescinds Dr. Eleni Gabre-Madhin’s honorary doctorate


ADDIS ABABA, NOVEMBER 30, 2021 - University of Gondar announced today that it has revoked the Honorary Doctorate that it gave to Dr. Eleni Gabre-Madhin on 2013.

The University of Gondar, until 2003 known as the Gondar College of Medical Sciences, is the oldest medical school in Ethiopia. Established as the Public Health College in 1954, it is located in Gondar, Amhara region.

The decision from the University comes days after a leaked Zoom meeting where British, French and Spanish diplomats along with Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) representatives including Dr. Eleni discussed ways to rescue the TPLF and topple the current government led by Abiy Ahmed. The meeting was organized by Professor Ephraim Isaac founder of the Peace and Development Center International (PDCI).

Dr. Eleni, who is the current Chief Innovation Officer at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) New York, received the Honorary Doctorate from the University of Gondar which was the University's first in its 59 year history. 
The University Senate decided to honor a prominent model of female might, Dr. Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin, by awarding her an Honorary Degree of Humane Letters (DHLitt) in appreciation of the socio-economic contributions she has made in establishing and effectively running the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX) for the benefit of the Ethiopian farmers and the country at large, said the University in a statement.

However, the University of Gondar said she has not been such an upstanding citizen but quite the contrary. 
"In recent events Dr. Eleni took part in a closed door meeting organized by the so-called International Center for Peace and Development that was unprofessional, biased, keeping to the views of one particular group, and inconsistent with the views of which the University of Gondar holds to.", said the statement from the University. 
"The unpatriotic views that were on display in the meeting she took part in has enraged the country and our University Community. It is because of these recent revelations and after careful deliberation that the University of Gondar has decided to revoke the Honorary Doctorates that was given to her because of acts that are counter to the mission and vision of our Institution", read the statement from the University of Gondar.
The University of Gondar Senate held an emergency meeting today to cancel Dr. Eleni’s Honorary Degree of Humane Letters (DHLitt) citing the Higher Education Proclamation No. 1152/2019, Article 49, Sub-Article 4 and the University Senate Article 6, Sub-Article 16.
Dr. Eleni is a shareholder at the blueSpace, a business that aims to enhance business environment in Ethiopia by providing working spaces. However, all the shareholders of blueSpace also denounced Dr. Eleni's involvement with a group that which aimed to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ethiopia. 

"I am shocked and saddened by statements made (in a widely circulated video) by Eleni Gebremedhin, a shareholder of Bluespace. All 5 of us Bluespace shareholders categorically denounce her statements in the strongest terms & we stand 100% behind the elected government of Ethiopia", said Zemedeneh Negatu, shareholder at blueSpace and Chair of the Fairfax Africa Fund.


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